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January 16, 2024

What is a way to check the tread on my tires??

One of the things with owning a vehicle is ensuring that all components of the vehicle are safe. One is checking tire tread wear, an important item for maintaining vehicle safety and performance. There are several ways to check the wear.

Use the Penny Test:

   Take a penny and insert it into the tread groove with Lincoln’s head facing down.

   If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, your tread is worn. This means its time to replace them.

   If part of Lincoln’s head is covered by the tread, your tires are still okay.

Check Tread Wear Indicators:

   Many newer tires have tread wear indicators, which are small, raised bars in the grooves.

   If these bars are even with the adjacent tread, it indicates that the tread is worn, and replacement is     needed.

Use a Tread Depth Gauge:

   Tread depth gauges are inexpensive tools designed for measuring tread depth accurately.

   Insert the gauge into the tread grooves and measure the depth. Refer to your vehicle’s manual for the recommended minimum tread depth.

Inspect Uneven Wear:

Uneven wear can indicate alignment or suspension issues. Check for signs of uneven wear on the tread surface.

Regularly checking and maintaining proper tire tread depth is crucial for traction, handling, and overall safety. If you notice significant wear or any irregularities, it’s advisable to consult a mechanic to have the tires checked for safety.  Unsafe tires can do more harm if left unmaintained. 

Quality Auto Mart & Service is able to help you with your tire needs. Give us a call to set up an apt for an inspection to keep you safe and rolling to the next stop.

Quality Auto Mart & Service

7307 State Road 46 E Batesville, IN 47006                                                                                                *812-934-2301